Benefits of being a 905 SQN member
How to join
Before Joining Our Club
Guests are more than welcome to drop in and see if this is a hobby they are interested in pursuing. A model club is more than just flying model aircraft. It is also a wonderful social environment. It is a place to make friends, and have fun learning to fly. If you are interested, you are welcome to visit us in the following venues:
Monthly Meeting
Come out to a regular monthly meeting and check out the club. Guests are always welcome. For more info, click here.
Introductory flight
Take an introductory RC flight with an instructor and a club model aircraft. For more info, click here.
To join 905 Squadron
You will need to do the following:
1 – Join the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC). Membership includes liability insurance.
2 – Come visit us at our field for an orientation and an application form.
Persons wishing to join 905 Squadron Model Flying Club must visit us at our field to receive and orientation to our club as well as review our club rules and Etiquette. If you have your wings, a flying demonstration is required. If you are new to RC, flying lessons are provided for free to all members of our club.
When can you meet someone for an orientation and application form?

Membership Fees
Please Note: Renewing ‘Open‘ members are entitled to a $25 discount if renewal is received before the deadline shown on the application.
Junior – Under 18 years of age as of January 1st – $10
Open – 18 years of age and older as of January 1st – $100
Family – One open membership, spouse and children under 18 years of age as of January 1st – $110
Membership after September 1st is reduced. Please see Application form for these rates.